Cut the Comparison
Women are notorious for comparing themselves to each other. From body image to income, friend groups to number of followers, we compare ourselves constantly — even when we don’t realize it.
In all reality, every time we compare ourselves, we germinate seeds of jealousy and competition in our hearts that — when full-grown — can breed discontent, discouragement, and a self-centered awareness of what we lack. We make judgments based on perception and image, not reality. We say things like “she’s perfect” when, in fact, no one is perfect but God.
Paul said “when you compare yourselves one to another, you are without understanding.” Without understanding of what? Of what God is doing in and through YOU, girl! Of understanding you have a great and mighty purpose unique to you! Ain’t nobody got time looking at her!
So cut the comparison and come into the freedom of rejoicing in WHO God made YOU. He delights in you just the way you are! And when you experience HIS unconditional love and HIS sufficiency in you, there is no comparison.
By: Annemarie McLean